Recycling and Disposing
Spencer County Solid Waste Management District
The Solid Waste Management District has seven Drop-Off Centers to serve the residents and businesses of Spencer County. The Drop-Off Centers accept recyclables and bags of trash. All trash bags must have a $1.00 YELLOW Spencer County trash tag. Oversize (over 44 gallons) must have two (2) Yellow Trash tags. No money is accepted at Drop-Off Centers. Tags must be purchased in advance.
The locations and addresses of the District’s Drop-Off Centers are listed below. Look for the Green Highway Information signs for assistance.
NOTICE: All weather-related delays and closings will be listed on our Facebook page: Spencer County Solid Waste Trash and Recycling Drop Off Sites and local news stations; Eyewitness News (WEHT/WTVW) and 14 News (WFIE)
Center Locations & Hours
Every attempt has been made to have at least one center open in the various parts of the county every weekday. All Drop-Off Centers are open on Saturdays.
An attendant is always on duty when a center is open to assist you with your trash and answer questions about recycling or any of the special programs that the District offers throughout the year.
Below is a chart with the days and time of operations of each Drop-Off Center.

Holiday Hours
Note: All Drop-off Centers are closed on the following Holidays:
• New Year’s Day
• Memorial Day
• July 4th
• Labor Day
• Thanksgiving
• Christmas Eve
• Christmas Day

Why should I Recycle?
Saves Money: Residents that dispose of their trash at the District's Drop-Off Centers could reduce their disposal cost by 50%, if not more, by recycling.
Saves Energy: Throwing away an aluminum can wastes as much energy as pouring out a can half-filled with gasoline.
Recovers Valuable Material: A 2-liter soda bottle or water bottle can be recycled (re-manufactured) into carpeting, clothing or another bottle. Milk jugs are used to make plastic lumber. Newspaper is used in insulation products. The list of products that are manufactured using recycled products is vast and is still growing.
Generates Less Pollution: Making paper from recycled paper reduces the pollution involved in the paper-making process by 95%.
Invest In Spencer County: Recycled material is processed and sold to provide revenue for all the programs and services that the District offers. Instead of paying a hauler to take your trash to a landfill, recycle and keep your money in Spencer County.
Why should I Recycle?
Saves Money: Residents that dispose of their trash at the District’s Drop-Off Centers could reduce their disposal cost by 50%, if not more, by recycling.
Saves Energy: Throwing away an aluminum can wastes as much energy as pouring out a can half-filled with gasoline.
Recovers Valuable Material: A 2-liter soda bottle or water bottle can be recycled (re-manufactured) into carpeting, clothing or another bottle. Milk jugs are used to make plastic lumber. Newspaper is used in insulation products. The list of products that are manufactured using recycled products is vast and is still growing.
Generates Less Pollution: Making paper from recycled paper reduces the pollution involved in the paper-making process by 95%.
Invest In Spencer County: Recycled material is processed and sold to provide revenue for all the programs and services that the District offers. Instead of paying a hauler to take your trash to a landfill, recycle and keep your money in Spencer County.
The Solid Waste Management District has seven Drop-Off Centers to serve the residents and businesses of Spencer County. The Drop-Off Centers accept recyclables and bags of trash. All trash bags must have a $1.00 YELLOW Spencer County trash tag. Oversize (over 44 gallons) must have two (2) Yellow Trash tags. No money is accepted at Drop-Off Centers. Tags must be purchased in advance.
The locations and addresses of the District’s Drop-Off Centers are listed below. Look for the Green Highway Information signs for assistance.
Center Locations & Hours
Every attempt has been made to have at least one center open in the various parts of the county every weekday. All Drop-Off Centers are open on Saturdays.
An attendant is always on duty when a center is open to assist you with your trash and answer questions about recycling or any of the special programs that the District offers throughout the year.
Below is a chart with the days and time of operations of each Drop-Off Center.

Holiday Hours
Note: All Drop-off Centers are closed on the following Holidays:
• New Year’s Day
• Memorial Day
• July 4th
• Labor Day
• Thanksgiving
• Christmas Eve
• Christmas Day


District Business Office
918 E. County Road 800 N.
Chrisney, Indiana 47611
Questions or Comments? We'd love to hear from you.