Welcome to Spencer County
Solid Waste Management District
The Spencer County Solid Waste Management District was created in 1992 to establish environmental programs to encourage recycling and to divert solid waste in Spencer County, Indiana from landfills. The District works to educate Spencer County residents and businesses with information on recycling programs.
The Solid Waste District operates seven recycling drop-off centers in Spencer County with one center at Chrisney set up to accept large items. We may also have solutions for many special waste/disposal questions. The District provides educational materials for schools and waste audits for businesses within the county.
SWMD Event Calendar
NOTICE: All weather-related delays and closings will be listed on our Facebook page: Spencer County Solid Waste Trash and Recycling Drop Off Sites and local news stations; Eyewitness News (WEHT/WTVW) and 14 News (WFIE)
Where to Recycle & Dispose
844 E. County Road 800 N, Chrisney, IN 47611 (West of Old 231 & SR 70) Open: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 10:00 am – 6:00 pm; and Saturday from 8:00 am – 4:00 pm
401 S. Dunn Street, Dale, IN 47523 (Corner of Dunn Street & Vine Street East of NAPA Store) Open: Monday, Tuesday, and Friday from 10:00 am – 6:00 pm; and Saturday from 8:00 am – 4:00 pm
8031 N. Old Lamar Hwy, Evanston, IN 47531 (Hwy 66, 3 mi. SW of Troy) Open: Tuesday from 10:00 am – 6:00 pm; and Saturday from 8:00 am – 4:00 pm
9771 W. Old State Rd 66, Hatfield, IN 47617 (West of Post Office) Open: Tuesday and Thursday from 10:00 am – 6:00 pm; and Saturday from 8:00 am – 4:00 pm
175 W. Eureka Road, Rockport, IN 47635 (South of City Park) Open: Monday, Thursday, and Friday from 10:00 am – 6:00 pm; and Saturday from 8:00 am – 4:00 pm
St. Meinrad
19435 N. CR 1100 E, St. Meinrad, IN 47577 (Off SR 62 West of St. Meinrad) Open: Tuesday and Friday from 10:00 am – 6:00 pm; and Saturday from 8:00 am – 4:00 pm
Santa Claus
15169 N. SR 245, Santa Claus, IN 47579 (At Sewage Treatment Plant, East of golf course fountain) Open: Tuesday and Thursday from 10:00 am – 6:00 pm; and Saturday from 8:00 am – 4:00 pm
Business District Office
918 E. County Road 800 N, Chrisney, Indiana 47611 (812) 362-7401 • recycle@psci.net Open: Monday–Friday from 8:00 am – 4:00 pm

What to Recycle & Dispose
Electronic Waste
Effective August 1, 2019, Spencer County Solid Waste Management District will be charging for Electronic Waste
Prices are as follows:
All size TVs, computer monitors, and laptops/notebooks are $5 each
All size Modems, Printers, and DVD/VHS players are $3 each
We accept CASH ONLY for electronic waste. Trash tags are not accepted for special recycling programs
It is not permitted to throw any of the electronic waste listed above in the trash at any of our 7 Spencer County Solid Waste Drop Site facilities.
Electronic Waste will only be accepted at the Spencer County Solid Waste District Office at 918 E CR 800 N Chrisney, IN 47611
Electronic Waste will no longer be accepted at the Chrisney Drop Site on the first Saturday of each month.
More and more computer manufacturers and retail electronic stores are participating in “take back” programs for old computers and electronic equipment. When you are in the market for a new electronic device ask about their “take back” policy.
Yard Waste
Yard Waste is no longer accepted at the Chrisney Solid Waste Drop Site
Rockport Residents:
If you live in the City of Rockport, you can put fall leaves at the curb where they will be collected. For set-out guidelines and collection dates, contact City Hall at 649-2242.
Incorporated Towns:
Residents of Chrisney, Dale, Gentryville, Grandview, Richland, and Santa Claus should contact their local officials to ask about leaf or brush programs.
Spencer County Residents:
County residents can burn their untreated yard waste as long as they are not in an incorporated town and there is not a burn ban present.
Places that Accept Yard Waste:
Evanston Valley Enterprise (EVE) – 10492 E CR 1000N Evanston, IN Please contact EVE for all questions and current pricing at 812-529-8172 or email at evanstonvalleyenterprise@gmail.com
Daviess County Transfer Station – 270-688-8138 at 2129 Grimes Avenue, Owensboro, KY 42303
Advance Disposal Blackfoot Landfill – 888-867-8066 at 3726 IN-64, Winslow, IN 47598.
YES Can Be Burned |
NO Cannot Be Burned |
Old Barns, Old Houses, Old Mobil Homes |
Trees |
Dry Leaves |
Household Trash |
Diapers |
Brush |
Weeds |
Plastics |
Newspapers |
Stumps |
Branches |
Tires |
Cardboard |
Fence Rows (untreated) |
Drift Wood |
Waste Oil |
Roofing Materials |
Questions SWMD |
362-7401 |
Painted Wood |
Treated Lumber |
- To be done during daylight hours
- To be called into the Spencer County Sheriff’s Department Dispatch 812-649-2286
- Must be supervised at all times


District Business Office
918 E. County Road 800 N.
Chrisney, Indiana 47611
Questions or Comments? We'd love to hear from you.